Javier Alvarado DiazPatient Care Coordinator
As a Patient Care Coordinator for ShoulderMD, Javier is excited to be a voice for patients looking for straight answers and guidance during their pathway to healing. Being bilingual, Javier is an excellent communicator and is able to help build the gaps of patient care for patients needing additional assistance and education. In his future, Javier plans to cater more to post-operative patients starting a networked telehealth and residential system for recovery treatments like wound care, physical therapy, and education.
Sophie GeddieDatabase Developer
Sophie is an accomplished technology manager and organizational project management consultant. She collaborates with the team to help streamline workflows and communication, automate work processes and deliver business metrics. Sophie holds a deep technical knowledge in the business process management space which is evident in her ability to create tools that enhance efficiency and produce effective outcomes.
Bernadette AtwalSurgical Manager
Bernadette has been in healthcare for over 25+ years. The last 5 years were spent in surgical pre and post patient case management. After managing a medical surgical office for 7 physicians, and assisting the surgical center as a backup manager, Bernadette learned she wanted to be directly involved with supporting patients and being their advocate during their surgery experience. Bernadette comes with extensive skills specializing in quality control, process improvement and patient experience. Bernadette believes every patient should be cared for and looked after as if they were family.
Stephanie Dintcho Assistant Business manager
Stephanie has a strong background in bookkeeping and customer service.In her many different careers she has demonstrated attention to detail, tenacity and excels in project management. Personable and engaging, her interactions with patients, staff and administrators related to the practice receives high praise from all.